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Auto-suggest images#217

Include a series of SVG icon libraries and attempt to match up words to possible images. E.g. if the English is “light bulb” maybe we can suggest that icon already? Or some other way of auto-including images for familiar words (animals, household objects, items of clothing, etc)

5 months ago

YES! That would really help! UP!

4 months ago
Changed the status to
Feature request
4 months ago

@Anna Please implement this feature! As someone on the internet said:

“Having learned to speak multiple languages fluently, the best advice that I can give is to avoid translation as much as possible when learning. For example, don’t make flash cards with the Spanish word (or whatever language your learning) and its English (or whatever your native tongue is) translation, use an image whenever possible. For example, a manzana = 🍎; a manzana ❌ apple. To speak another language fluently in real time, you don’t have time to translate from your native language in your mind. You need to think directly in that language before you speak. If you don’t believe me, then ask yourself how you learned your native language as a child. No doubt you were unencumbered by translations when looking at an apple and saying the word! So learn like a kid!”

4 months ago

Thanks for your feedback!

Automatically providing or suggesting images is quite hard. First, it is very difficult to get a database with images that cover a significant part of words. Especially because we need get the licenses for these images — for copyright reasons, we cannot simply use Google Images for such a feature. Any image we’d provide would need to be licensed for commercial use. Also, this would need to work for many langauges to be useful for most of our users. Most image databases, however are tagged in English.
Finally, this would only work for words that can be represented by an image. As your learning level progresses it becomes hard to find images depicting more abstract terms.

We think it is best if the users select images themselves. After all, it is very individual what associations you have with a certain word or image.

a month ago
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a month ago